Innovation partnership
In order to promote innovation from the outset of calls for solutions and to integrate and broaden the participation of external actors in the process, the Ministry for Digitalisation together with the CTIE initiate public tenders via innovation partnerships.
The innovation partnership is a public tender that allows the process to be divided into several stages: the Proof of Concept (POC) phase, with a maximum of 5 solution providers and the pilot project phase with a maximum of 1 solution provider. After the this second phase, the developed solution can be purchased and deployed by the CTIE if selected.
Depending on the complexity of the solution sought, the GovTech Lab’s innovation partnership process will last an average of 8 to 14 months.
In order to select the best projects, a jury is made up of members of the Ministry, the CTIE and external members chosen according to the theme of the challenge. This jury evaluates the tender documents at 2 stages of the procedure: when selecting a maximum of 5 candidates for the PoC phase and when choosing the candidate who will eventually move on to the pilot project phase.
The process
