The missions
Accelerating technological transformation at State level
The GovTech Lab uses open innovation to work with internal and external actors on the development of the digitalisation of public services and integration of new technologies.
Through calls for challenges from ministries and public administrations, the GovTech Lab identifies the conceptual, procedural or even technological challenges that ministries, administrations, citizens or businesses are facing.
After identifying priority challenges, the GovTech Lab issues the calls for solutions with the aim of collaborating with external actors such as start-ups, researchers, freelancers, companies, etc. for the purpose of developing innovative solutions in a joint effort to strengthen the implementation of a digital government.
Creating a GovTech community
Luxembourg has a rich ecosystem of actors who develop and promote innovative solutions and new technologies.
In this context, the GovTech Lab completes the existing ecosystem by positioning itself between private sector or research actors and the public sector in Luxembourg in a manner to ensure the continued exchange on the needs and opportunities that allow furthering the digitalisation of government.
To this end, the GovTech Lab fosters and organises exchanges not only on an internal level with state agents, but also on an external level with economic operators or experts. Whether these exchanges take place in the form of conferences, hackathons, training, discovery days, brainstorming sessions, the goal is to create a real GovTech community in Luxembourg.
Becoming the reference and meeting place for public administrations interested in GovTech
The GovTech Lab is also an innovative space that aims to facilitate exchange and to stimulate creativity between administrations and the CTIE for the purpose of experimenting and testing ideas.
These synergies and collaborations reflect the open and innovative spirit of the GovTech Lab.