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Together with the Information and Press Service and @ADEM_Luxembourg, we invite you to the Open Data X Skills #Hackathon at the #GovTech Lab, where you can experiment with #OpenData on the professional skills in demand in #Luxembourg. Register now! https://t.co/PEL1XI8mJg
5 candidates have been selected to enter the Proof of concept phase of the #AcessiLingua #InnovationPartnership! •Akabi •CFS Gmbh •Team SoftGiant •Summ AI •Mazars The selected candidates now have until October 22 to develop their working prototype.
Thank you to all the participants and speakers at yesterday’s #GovTechAfterwork dedicated to generative #AI! It was very interesting to learn more about the theoretical concepts and projects in this field and to exchange thoughts during our traditional #networking session. 👩💻🗯️🙌
Dernière modification le 24.06.2024